Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Time Flys!

Just in- I will be heading to the Glass Recycled plant in June to see the process of upcycling!

I am so excited... while I am there I hope to not only learn and see what Glass Recycled does, but also keep you all up to speed on the newest and greatest! While I am in Dallas I will be spending a few days in the office working with web designers and production team! I think that seeing the plant will inspire me to share more about the company and hopefully I will be able to create a news letter to send out to those of you that have interest in the Glass Recycled product.

Oh and I almost forgot I prior to heading down south to Texas... I will be heading back to my home town-Traverse City to meet with some people from Strata Design who will be installing some Glass Recycled products in the Frankfort area at the Crystal Lake Art Center. I am so excited and honored to see my hometown taking part in the green movement.

What are some other great green housing options are there? I want to touch base with as many green companies that take part in home decor of office decor in efforts to promote and learn!

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